It is common in the west county, in the area of hill valley Dambovitei at 24 km of Targoviste and extends over an area of 65,2 km). It is crossed on the left bank of the river of national road DN 72A connecting Targoviste of Compiling, and on to the river bank, county road DJ 702/1999B which follows a road parallel to the national Dragomiresti until Oncesti. It is composed of villages Caprioru, Gheboieni, Priboiu, Tatarani.
According to census carried out in 2011, the population of Marginea village Tatarani stood up to 5,225 inhabitants, on the down as compared to the previous census in 2002, when he had seen 5,478 inhabitants. Most of the inhabitants are Romanians (95,65 % ), with a minority of Roma (2.07 % ). For 2.28 % of the population, ethnic minority membership is not known. From the point of view religious, most of the inhabitants are Christian Orthodox (95,65 % ). For 2.28 % of the population, it is not known whether confessional.
Occupation by its inhabitants of this zone is mainly in agriculture, livestock farming, bee-keeping and ultimately, forest exploitation (it is well known that in ancient around year 1560 a map edited in Rome shows the great forest between Dambovita Arges and stretching from the Danube up to Carpathian Mountains, known as the Forest Bucharest lodgers). The most detailed map of forests was made in 1960, in which a place account has been occupied by the Forest Bucharest lodgers. Wood has been set up and basic material in construction settlements these places, houses, schools and numerous churches in the area. Other occupations of age have been hunting, fishing and mining.
Ethnic dimension of the commune Tatarani::
Romanians (95.65%)
Romany (2.06%)
Unknown (2.28%)
Other ethnic minority (0.0%)
The composition of the village confessional Tătărani:
Orthodox (96.55%)
Unknown (2.27%)
Other religion (1.16%)
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Villages are located at 340 m from sea level. The village area is 6,380 ha divided as follows: 807 arable land, 1220 ha meadows and pastures, 137 ha of orchards, forests 3926 ha, 290 ha other categories.
Piemontul Candesti, located to the west of Valea Dambovitei forms step colinara lowest (300-550 m) which make up Dambovita county territory. It is only through representative interfluvial plate, slightly tilted aisles between Fearless Forecaster says lush lowlands of Dambovita and Potopu.
If we look at the percentage of forest in the village area we see that it passes 50% of the total area.
Depending on the altitude hills subcarpatice, can be separated 3 floors of woods: oak floor, seventh floor and floor gorunului dozenth.
Oak formations limit is variable, 63% shall be between 100 and 350 meters altitude, but not exceeding 400 meters altitude, and in the component stejaretele surfaces as pure or are to be found in a mixture with other trees such as at be hornbeam, sky and garnita. Species characteristic of this plant stage are: oak tree pedunculat, the sky, garnita, as well as carpenul, paltinul field, jugastrul, artarul, ciresul pasaresc, the plane, paducelul, all of which are hybrids.
Hills gorunului occupies floor external subcarpatice ranging between 400 and 3,400 meters altitude. Floor Gorunul is specific Subcarpatilor interfluviile and prevail on hillsides with guidance and southern, east and west, alternating with 860beech tree on hillsides, shadowed, occupying the greater part of the area currently forested. In addition to species of Gorun, may appear and species of hornbeam, Fireman Neculai Macovei, jugastrii, Tei, frasin, Ulm, 1944 pasaresc.
Ierbacee species are much better developed than in dozenth floor for that benefit from more light. Predominate so croissant, alunul, species of sanger, wood cainesc, pigeon, maces. In addition to this, ierbacee species may appear. Less often meet flora gorunete type mull, this being represented by species as well as: urzica dead yellow, honey bear, lipitoarea, vinarita, the result of earth.
Human activities have led to the reduction of area occupied by Gorun in favor of agriculture (orchards of fruit trees and pajisisti secondary).
Dozenth floor corresponds to the areas highest over 600-700 meters altitude, although they appear sporadically and below this limit as fagete hill. They dressed subcarpatice hills and high peaks Piemontului Candesti. in their componeta beech tree, carpenul, as well as species as paltinul field, frasinul and local gorunul.
In subarboretul forests of beech occur so species of shrubs loving light and species which prefer shade and moisture like wood cainesc, voniceriul and willow submits that capreasca, the honeysuckles embracing and wood raios.
Ierbaceu layer is varied and present Saint Peter and meadows.
Commune villages appear in historical records in separate periods in the pages of history, and their names are based on how old it is.
Caprioru village is the holder in the documents of the years 1500-1550 and originates from a wild mammal - similar ruminant stag what a populated this part of the world.
Gheboieni village appears referred to at the end of the 18th century, and the name may come from a patch of ground in the area or the mushrooms which are characteristic of site.
Priboiu village is mentioned in 1793 in a signed up and took the name from a herbaceous plant with leaves pleasant smelling flowers with red and white which is cultivated as decorative plant.
Tatarani village is mentioned in one of the acts issued by Matei Basarab Prince in the year 1634 and it is believed that the name is pulled from history toponimul tatarca (concerning the Tatars) denoting mountains, valleys, roads, localities have gone through migratory poparele.
At the end of the 19th century, common Tatarani was part of net Dealu-Dambovita county Dambovita and was formed from the villages Tatarani and Caprioru, with 1339 inhabitants. In the village worked two churches and a school. At that time, the current territory of the commune, operate in the same place, and Priboiu common, formed from the villages Priboiu and Sturzeni, with 756 000 inhabitants, here worked two churches, a school and a die of water.
In 1926, communes shall be recorded in the net Voinesti of the same county. She had been only Tatarani Common village of residence, with 2058 inhabitants, while Priboiu-Sturzeni common consisting of two same villages, had 1235 inhabitants.
In 1931, has been set up and Gheboeni common, by separating the village common Gheboeni Manesti.
In 1950, villages have been transferred raionului Targoviste in Prahova county region and then (after 1952 (sickness ) in the region. In 1968, have returned lajudetul Dambovita, set up once again, and have been halved under common name Tatarani, in the structure which has been preserved until today.
Archeological findings that is worth being referred to in this area are hoard at Caprioru (which has shown that there is a pioneer places October 15 Dacian ruins of sec. Cleon II i.e. n. ), hoard at Gheboieni.