Voinesti is a commune in Dambovita county, Muntenia, Romania, formed from the villages Gemenea-Br atulesti, springs, across meadow and Manga, Manjina, Oncesti, Suduleni and Voinesti (residence).
It is common in the area of hill county in the west, close to the limit with Arges county Dambovitei in the valley. It was crossed by national road DN 72A connecting the Targoviste Campulung; this course Dambovitei across it to Oncesti on the left bank (south) to the right (toward North), on a bridge built during the war Ruso-Turc from 1877-1998, when Prince Carol I had there headquarters in the course of an inspection of troops were concentrated in the area. Village in the territory of this national road branching off county roads DJ 712A, leading to Fieni shares have been on white river valley and DJ 702/1999B, going from Oncesti parallel with national law, on the shore of Dambovitei, by common Decindeni and Lucieni, where intersects with DN 72.
Distances to neighboring urban centers varies between 103 and 27 kilometers: Voinesti is located at 103 kilometers from country's capital city, Bucharest, 95 kilometers away from Pitesti (residence Arges county), 40 kilometers away from Campulung, 76 kilometers away from Ploiesti Prahova county residence) and just 27 kilometers from Targoviste (residence Dambovita county). Total surface area of the commune is 8103 ha, which was predominantly land lands - 7149 ha and plot of land - 954 ha. Thus, habitable area is only 745 ha agricultural area (in particular orchards and pastures) 3361 ha, forests covering large part of the rest of the territory.
Habitable area houses a number of 2564 dwellings in private property and 10 houses, public property.
Stable population of the commune accumulate 6,203 persons in the year 2011 (data county Direction of Statistics), with a perfect balance between men and women. A more recent Voinesti places the city hall's population to 6,236 inhabitants.
Romanians (97.35%)
Unknown (2.45%)
Other ethnic minority (0.19%)
Total population of the locality is 6236 inhabitants.
Voineşti: 1618
Oncești: 881
Gemenea-Brătulesti: 1196
Izvoarele: 721
Suduleni: 745
Mânjina: 201
Manga: 730
Lunca: 146
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Commune Voinesti territory is swept through to the north to the south of Dambovita river valley, and in the north east by local plant influent its primary, the Evil White. Is this also to a domestic network of small rivers, with frequencies closest phenomena, which have a temporary nature and are represented by and brooks raises Dambovitei and white River, the Valley Todirestilor, Valea Iugulestilor, Valea Burlanestilor, High Valley, Valea Manjina.
Voinesti is common in contact between three major forms of relief: Subcarpatii of curvature (subunit Subcarpatilor Ialomitei), Subcarpatii Getici (subunit Muscelelor Arges) and Plateau Getic (subunit Piemontului Candesti). Jiu Valley Dambovitei constitute Subcarpatii limit between the curvature and Subcarpatii Getici, raise hell created here by allowing vegetation establishment commune Voinesti; This stage corresponds to vegetation forests of broadleaves, widely represented in Subcarpati and Piemontul Candesti, where predominate forests of Gorun (Quecus patraea) and lawn hill, but appear, especially on hillsides 860, and fagete hill with hornbeam (Carpinu betulus) up in mountain area, where it is forests of beech (under Silvatica) and mixing (beech, spruce, Brad). Commune Voinesti subsoil resources are generally associated with the construction materials - clays, sands, a person when misused, gipsuri - but zone has presented a great interest for this. Specific fauna predominate area of forest, rich in species as well as: the deer, the bear, wild boar, wolverine, squirrel, capriorul (settled in Subcarpati and Piemontul Candesti). --- Poultry very widespread are alunarul and pheasant, amphibians are common toad. –
About putting people in these places are moving two legends. One is very old and has a faint smell of fairy tale, recalling stories about reassigning Romanian states.
Long ago, in a furthest away while two shepherds scoborati in the mountains with their herds, have decided to set up here during placement, for their babies and their women; one called Candea and and sat down on the shore household law (based so the town Candesti). On the other incredible on the left bank, he called Voinea, and his survivors are voinestenii.
Another legend (both heard the troubadour-warrior), determine the date be stood closer, in the time of Mihai Viteazul, it must have been in 1596, after the victory brilliant the Calugareni. On one of his masters Voinea, poor but deserving hatchetman, rewarded for his actions of weapons with a property right on the bank of the river. From its name would derive Voinesti locality name.
It is undeniable that the village is much older. All the conditions area, close to water, on the way, climate, demonstrates that seats are conducive an oasis and a camp ideal for passengers, which was quite midway between Targoviste and Campulung.
Romanians who worked way to Transylvania and in the Jiu Valley Dambovitei have searched for gold on the river (proof the pot holes in the roads service) and have raised a castru whose ruins can be seen today, in the form of a circular construction covered from the ground. It seems to me that Romanian Legion Gemina, further deployed now almost 1,900 years ago, in the northern jars and locality name Gemenea (historic development of the word, shall comply with the laws phonetic transition from Latin to English).
It is clear that some voinesteni became the soldiers tossed Prince Mihai Viteazul, since Mrs. rock, his wife sit down that cross of stone on the right-hand side of the road by walking, recalling the militaries who died, "ad second", in the combats went over the redoubtable sir. A point of Voinesti,'s creek Buliman reminds me of stopping of Turks on one of hills on the left-hand side the valley. A legend reminds me of a judgment on which the master Turk made a shaking his right not novel and fellow countryman with which it was in dispute.
In 1610 Gabriel Bathory Prince overstepped his hand Romanian troops in the country, passing through Voinesti, pradand and burn area. It is easy to imagine his horror what he overpowered our ancestors souls which have never been heard with lacomele sinew what does not sat- isfied with only little wealth and they took and life.
Over time Voineşti residents have witnessed troop movements, having suffered from predators: in 1787 drop by Russian troops deployed to Transylvania against the Turks; Turkish troops come in 1788, nearly 2,000 Turks and Albanians, which cause great damage to the villages in the valley (see Haşdeu, Critical History of the Romanians); in 1789 the Habsburg troops go to Bucharest, led by the Prince of Cobrurg, whose cartographers records that the village has no church (Austrian map).
Tudor Vladimirescu 1821 passes through Voineşti, arrives here (until a few decades was standing house where he stopped on the last night of its existence). Croatian Detachment of Alexander Ypsilanti, under whose jurisdiction remained Dambovita, is robbing local people, taking them all supplies; a new epidemic of plague (1828-1829) and cholera (1831) is hitting the inhabitants who lived in separate trercătune organized around two monasteries properties administrations, Radu Voda and St George; another hamlet Dambovita valley shall be drawn around the settlement Radu Tar probably the hill to the church, the boyars further Diteşti property.
1842 in Voineşti will operate a school in a specially designed building (Gheorghe parties, the beginnings of culture and education in Dambovita county, p. 22), Voineştiul being among the 10 villages that had a school in this part of the country, of the 150 villages of the county proposed the establishment of schools.
Cuza, with its reform gives farmers from Voineşti, earth, from the estates of two monasteries, estates were secularized.
Two of the monasteries in the area, namely Radu Voda Monastery and St. George are forced to surrender acts of appropriation committee. They recorded the properties and their owners.
In the minutes of the Board of allotment of April 29, 1865 it is recorded as two churches are common (one built in 1794 and another in 1863 Tar Radu Mihai Dita). Also in this list are the 51 clăcaşi who received land. Interestingly table, which records the names of the 51 clăcaşi who received land: Andrei Cristea, book Stone, Maria Dragomir Nicolae beak, Andros, Nita Onea, Nicu Avram Ion Cătănoiu, Miriţă Anghel etc.
War of Independence (1877-1878), First World War (1916-1918), Second World War (1941-1945) and asked their blood sacrifice from residents of these lands and names of the heroes are on the memorial plaque on monument in the village center.
After the Second World War, the turbulent times of the decade fifth, sec. twentieth century, brought new people in the rural world, many foreigners, being communist politics of the time.
Residents have accepted the changes, they came to live well and take pride in the fact that there are people of these places.
BRATULESTI twin has the oldest written record of the village, since the sixteenth century was mentioned in various documents.
Toponyme "Gemenea" has, according to local legends, four explanations: one that claims that the name comes from the founder of the village, Captain Gemenea which are under the supervision of Michael the Brave, another involving the origin of the Legion XIII Roman Gemina and another explanation says that during the great Tartar invasion, the lake formed after stăvilirii Dâmboviţei by locals, the Tatars were drowning, and gruesome death agony drew seaworthy. Finally should be mentioned the work of I. Popescu Argesel "Dambovita Valley" (1986), the author considers the name of this village as coming from there in the past two twin villages located on one side and the other of the Dambovita River situated in front: one of them twins, and the other BRATULESTI, whose translation into Slavonic brotherhood.
Documents dating from the seventeenth century reveals that within that village there were people enslaved, some small landowners, and after mastering November 1650: Radu Vărzaru great Armas and his son Captain Constantin Radu Negoescu Creţulescu great chancellor and up. In 1864 indicated as 90 residents are given land.
Twin BRATULESTI had an area of great importance to the early twentieth century, so that you conducted an extensive project to build a railway linking the town of Targoviste twins and favoring the development of products 38 localities along Dambovita River, including important gold-bearing sands of the twins discovered Roman times. The project was interrupted by the great rebellion of 1907 and finally abandoned.
Onceşti origins in the eighteenth century was a small village consisting mainly of "Onceşti" representing freeholders in this area. At the end of the nineteenth century it became a hamlet of the village twins, having called Bratu-Oncescu and after 1950 is incorporated in Voinesti.
Meadow is one of the villages of the county's difficult to date the only written mention of the village is just at November 20, 1597: "Rock of Voineşti sold a Delnita and a side of Dragomir's Meadow".
Sources village first appears in 1713 in a hotărnicie, but it is recognized that stems from a settlement from the Bronze Age. At the end of the nineteenth century shared the stage is composed of Suduleni villages and springs, owning common over 1,000 people and devote the manufacture of brandy. In 1912 the village is expanding, comprising villages MANJINA Meadow and Manga. After 1950, the common sources loses its status and is included in the Voinesti.
Suduleni is an ancient village dating from the fifteenth century also named in documents and Suptdileni, Sudileni or Soduleni. The document certifying its existence in 1623 in the reign of Vlad the Monk (1482-1495), and according to a document called hotărnicie in 1713, village residents receive much of the estate. In past centuries the village existed numerous orchards that were the subject of various transactions entered in many documents of the time. At the end of the nineteenth century, it became Suduleni hamlet of the village springs, so that after 1950 be permanently embedded in the Voinesti.
Manga has across its numerous traces of Neolithic, but written testimony is taken in 1572 during a sale. In 1864 is named either Manga, collate Pietrari at the end of the nineteenth century was only a small hamlet of the village Pietrari, following the early twentieth century village springs to be embedded, and after 1950 Voinesti. The village was known because of traditional occupation of the locals in the past, that of making baniţelor for grain.
MANJINA known to date back to the eighteenth century in terms of documentary, as well as Onceşti village, although it certainly exists even before this period, especially if we take into account proximity to the village of Manga. The emergence and development is determined by links and proximity to other villages Suduleni and Manga.
Many documents related to these villages exist in Targoviste County Museum of History and confirms both their age but strategic position and Raul Alb.Totodata Dambovita river banks can be observed tendency of transforming the village into an urban center Voinesti role important because fruit growing in the area and continue basin socio-economic development.